Saturday, January 11, 2014

Stuffed Double Bacon Cheeseburger with Guacamole

I know sometimes I have parts of my recipes that are healthy, or shortcuts where I leave certain ingredients out for the sake of your arteries. This is not one of them. Is it ridiculous? Yes. Is it bad for you? Absolutely. Do I regret it? NO I DO NOT. It was my boyfriends birthday, and he loves cheeseburgers. I also had a special request from my mom to do a pepper jack burger. I had the time and the funds, so I decided to take this burger to the next level. Let me just preface by saying this and getting this out of my system. I LOVE making burgers. When I didn't have bills to pay and could spend my money on food, I made burgers ALL the time. I think I'm pretty damn good at it. Then Bobby Flay took a bunch of my burgers I already made. I swear, he planted bugs in my head and took them. I made a certain southwest burger, and I got a piece of jalapeno in my eye that resulted in my whole face burning for an hour. Its now at his burger restaurants, almost the exact same one I made years prior...I realize this was a rant, thank you for sticking with me through that. Just grinds my gears man. Make this burger!!! And don't give it to Bobby Flay...This monster has pepper jack on the inside of the burger patty, cheese on top, thick sliced bacon, and homemade guacamole on a toasted sesame seed bun. At least guacamole has the good for you fat ;)

This above pictured is the Juicy Lucy, the quintessential original cheese stuffed burger. This one doesn't have quacamole, but what can I say? The picture still looked pretty good :D

Stuffed Bacon Cheeseburger (serves 2):
12 ounces of ground beef
4 ounces of pepper jack cheese (divided into four equal parts)
Homemade guacamole (or store bought if you don't have it)
4 slices of crispy thick cut bacon
Sliced tomatoes
Iceberg or romaine lettuce 
Premium sesame seed buns (potato buns would also work great here)
Condiment of choice
Salt and pepper

This is not a burger with a bunch of spices and fancy things. This is a good ol' fashioned beef burger, and it tastes like it. Save your bacon fat, whether you bake it or do it on the stove, because you're cooking your burger in it! Heat up a large skillet or cast iron pan inbetween medium and medium high heat (depending how rare you like your burger) while you make your patties. Liberally salt and pepper your meat, since its your only seasoning, make it count. It's up to you how much you actually put, I probably put almost three quarters teaspoon of salt. Divide your meat into four parts. You're taking one part (one ounce) of your cheese, and putting it in the middle. Take another section of meat, and use it as a lid, and form it around the cheese, closing the sides and smoothing the seams. Repeat one more time. Form them slightly bigger than your buns because they'll shrink. Lay them in your pan, and cook for about 3 or 4 minutes per side for medium rare/medium and 5 minutes for no pink. While they're cooking, toast your buns a little in the oven. Flip your burger and place your remaining 2 ounces on the top of each burger and let it melt. Take your buns out, and put on your condiment of choice (I love mayo on one side and mustard on the other). Layer your burger, guacamole, tomatoes, lettuce, bacon, and top bun! Its so damn good, it just is. You're welcome :D

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