Monday, September 23, 2013


I love guacamole, you can't be from California and not at least like guacamole. My personal favorite uses for guacamole are, of course, for chips, but it is so versatile. From tacos, to paninis, quesadillas, even mixed into chicken salad, it has endless uses. I must say, that I do believe some of my love is hereditary. My mom happens to be a guacamole....rhymes with bore, he he. I loved her guacamole, and now I have a basic go to recipe that is very simple. Yum yum!

3 avocados, or 2 large Hass avocados
4 tsp lime juice
1 rounded tbsp finely diced red onion
1 small garlic clove, finely diced
1 serrano pepper, most of the seeds and ribs removed, finely diced
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt
Freshly cracked black pepper

You need ripe avocados for guacamole. They should be darker green, near purple, and should yield when poked, but not be squishy. I prefer Hass avocados for flavor, but damn are they expensive! I got a three pack of mexican avocados on sale. You need to scoop out all the avocado flesh from all three into a bowl. To see how to do that, see here (avocado prep)

The next step is to take a fork and smush *very technical term, don't laugh at me* the avocado into your desired texture, whether it be chunky or smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients, stir together, and cover in plastic wrap to sit. You will not have leftovers of this...sooooo good

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